Monday, October 18, 2010

Excuse for being absent

Our new precious princess!

What a challenge my pregnancy was for our whole family. We are still picking up the pieces but I see the light at the end of the tunnel now. This little angel has brought great change to our lives and it was worth it all.
What a blessing she is!

I cannot wait to start filling this blog up!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bathroom Peek

Gotta love the kids pics...toilet seat up, toothbrush out!  Anywho.. just a few shots so you can see before we go to Mi.  Its late and I need to go to bed!

Hailey's room

Hailey took l\these pictures.  The room is not near as clean as I would have liked and the pics..well, they will do for now.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Someone else really likes my bed

My new room!

I know that it is very plain but that's what I was going for.  I of course plan on picking things up here and there to add a  bit more detail but that will come in time.  For right now it feels so clean and peaceful!
These canvases will be a painting.  I have one in mind just haven't had the time yet...going to add a little color.
I am wanting a little dish for the balls...Holden, wants them in his hands.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I have a sneaky suspicion...

That Harper may have been testing out my new camera!!!

Atlanta baby shower

Georgia World Congress Center hosted a baby shower event.
My "Just Mommies" friends and I met there for the first time.
Christina (24weeks), Jenny (22 weeks) and I (23 weeks) are all due in September.  
It's amazing how you can meet someone for the first time and feel like you have known them for so long.  We had such a nice time together.  Jenny lives a few hours away and Christina only live about 20 minutes!  I am hoping to be invited to her baby shower..;)

A Pacimal is something we all got...well Christina needed to order hers cause they did not have the ones she wanted.  They are cute little stuffed animals that you can attach a pacifier to the end of.  We were lucky and got an deal and anyone who knows me knows how much I love a deal!
I also bought the cutest glitter hanging bird for the baby's room! 
It was a lot of fun spending time with with the girls...hanks ladies for a very nice day!

His last night as a three year old :(

Why is it that the years fly by??? 
 I cannot believe he is already 4!
It seems as though not much time has passed since I was hoping and praying for so long for this little guy!
I got to a point that I was thinking baby #4 would never come.  On top of that... a boy!

What an absolute joy he has been to have.  Hudson is truly a blessing!  The Lord was very good to us by sending this precious boy.  He was so very excited to go to bed this night because in the morning he would be "so big".  I Love you my precious Hudson....never to be three again...boohoo!

Holdies Eye

Poor little guy had a Corneal Abrasion...
Who would have thought that by simply trying a shirt on him would do this.

We went to the store the other day and I decided to try a shirt on him.  He was super tired to begin with so when I put the shirt on him and it hit him in the eye he of course cried.  I thought his carrying on about it was simply from the fact that he was over tired, but I guess I was wrong.  For the next several hours he would not eat and had a terrible time sleeping.  He would wake up crying so hard saying "eye" and rubbing it. 
I decided that i needed him to be seen so I took him to the ER.  They were pretty fast and very nice to him.  He did NOT want anyone anywhere close to his eye so we had to hold him down to look and to put both numbing and antibiotic drops in.  She said it was a Corneal Abrasion and that they are very painful.  She gave a him a prescription for Tylenol with Codeine which I did not end up needing to give to him.  He has healed up so very quickly thank God!
His hair kept getting in his eye so we had to give him the Pebbles do... The next day he got a hair cut.  Dad said he was not allowed to look like a cute little girl!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Cracks me up!

Something about this picture just cracks me up!  One one hand I think Hudson looks so cute but then on the other I think he looks so incredibly goofy.  I really don't know what to make of it... I just know I crack up every time I look at it!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Hollyns Curls

 Hollyn is my ponytail girl.
 She just simply does not, no matter how many times I tell her, know how to do her hair.  However she has the thickest most beautiful hair IF it is handled properly.  That hair, we don't see very often at all.

                                                        It is so hard for me to believe that my kids can have such curls.  

  Hollyn often has what we call "the lions mane" but on rainy days she has ringlets.
So many try so hard to get hair like this and Holl, well, she has no clue!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Prayers for a friend...

An online friend and her husband lost their precious baby boy Evan Navarro today.  She was 20 weeks pregnant and everything seemed to be going wonderfully.  This was the miracle baby they thought would be with them here on earth forever.  After the loss of  conjoined twins and then another early loss we all were so very happy for her making it this far with her precious Evan.  I have no words to describe how my heart aches for them.  All I can do is pray for them and that is just what I will continue to do.  I find some peace knowing that our Lord does know what he is doing and only in time we will understand.  I just know that tonight there is another precious baby Evan in heaven looking down on us and waiting for the day that their mommies will hold them in their arms again.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My growing garden.

I cannot believe how these plants have taken off! 
It was less then a year ago that I hauled a whole car top carrier filled with plants down from Michigan.  Thanks to my family who help support my crazy dreams I was given little bits of many different plants to bring home. 
At that point I had eleven very large holly bushes in front of my house.  They, even with drastic trimming, grew so large they covered half of my windows.  So in the Georgia august weather I ripped all the bushes out and began putting my poor little plants in there new home.  It is truly a wonder how any of them made it due to the length of time they spent in either little pots or a plastic pool filled with water.
Mom and Jim came over and help plant everything.  Soon after that most of the original plants died off but not before new growth started.
Recently I bought a few more new things and wanted to rearrange everything.  So my sweet neighbor came over and supported yet another one of my crazy ideas.  We dug everything up and replanted everything!
Things are still no where near what I envision them being. However, I have to say that these plants have grown more then I ever thought they would in less then a year and I am very pleased.
I cannot wait to see what they look like by the summers end.