Monday, October 18, 2010

Excuse for being absent

Our new precious princess!

What a challenge my pregnancy was for our whole family. We are still picking up the pieces but I see the light at the end of the tunnel now. This little angel has brought great change to our lives and it was worth it all.
What a blessing she is!

I cannot wait to start filling this blog up!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bathroom Peek

Gotta love the kids pics...toilet seat up, toothbrush out!  Anywho.. just a few shots so you can see before we go to Mi.  Its late and I need to go to bed!

Hailey's room

Hailey took l\these pictures.  The room is not near as clean as I would have liked and the pics..well, they will do for now.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Someone else really likes my bed

My new room!

I know that it is very plain but that's what I was going for.  I of course plan on picking things up here and there to add a  bit more detail but that will come in time.  For right now it feels so clean and peaceful!
These canvases will be a painting.  I have one in mind just haven't had the time yet...going to add a little color.
I am wanting a little dish for the balls...Holden, wants them in his hands.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I have a sneaky suspicion...

That Harper may have been testing out my new camera!!!

Atlanta baby shower

Georgia World Congress Center hosted a baby shower event.
My "Just Mommies" friends and I met there for the first time.
Christina (24weeks), Jenny (22 weeks) and I (23 weeks) are all due in September.  
It's amazing how you can meet someone for the first time and feel like you have known them for so long.  We had such a nice time together.  Jenny lives a few hours away and Christina only live about 20 minutes!  I am hoping to be invited to her baby shower..;)

A Pacimal is something we all got...well Christina needed to order hers cause they did not have the ones she wanted.  They are cute little stuffed animals that you can attach a pacifier to the end of.  We were lucky and got an deal and anyone who knows me knows how much I love a deal!
I also bought the cutest glitter hanging bird for the baby's room! 
It was a lot of fun spending time with with the girls...hanks ladies for a very nice day!